Utkarshna Sinha

I am actively seeking software engineering summer 2021 internship positions!

Hi! I'm a masters student at Northeastern studying computer science, specializing in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science.

At Northeastern, I am a Graduate Teaching Assistant for CS5001 - Fundamentals of Computer Programming in Python (Spring 2020, Fall 2020). I am currently working on creating a recommendation engine using content-based filtering for scientific publications.

In my courses, have implemented various search and reinforcment learning algorithms to solve Pacman, and built a multithreaded networked database server. I developed a declarative animation program end to end in Java, implementing graphics with the Java Swing UI Framework.

I graduated from the University of Toronto with a degree in Human Biology. At the University of Toronto I worked to bring a medical device for post-surgical complications to prototype in partnership with the Hospital for Sick Children.

Aside from school, I volunteer at hackathons, and women in technology events. I've also been the Captain of a Dragon boat team, and the president for the UofT Biomod team, an international bio-molecular design competition. I volunteered with the Youth Nutrition Advisory Committee with the City of Toronto, and was a journalist for the Varsity, the UofT's student newspaper.